A project to save our Democracy
This article is for independent journalists, podcasters, bloggers, pundits, and other legitimate media voices. The intent is to encourage you to actively lead your followers in structured efforts to engage with the Trump voters and non-voters in their circles of friends and family. This will be a key part of saving our Democracy.
The dynamics of Right-wing media, sophisticated propaganda, mainstream media, and Democratic messaging that got us into this mess are about to get worse. Our last chance to save democracy may lie in a grassroots movement that spreads an awakening to the truth, exposes the con, and identifies our real, shared enemies. In short, we need to start talking to each other again. A loss of support for Trump might be the only way Congress will have the courage to slow him.
Previously, these conversations typically failed or were avoided altogether. However, as Trump’s second term begins, these conversations should become easier due to his broken promises and the harm he will likely cause. This will create a sense of betrayal in many of his followers and they will then need a place to go – home.
These conversations can be difficult to navigate. The potential for frustration, landmines, and backfiring is high. You cannot simply tell your followers to talk to the misguided voters in their circles. They need structure, strategies, and insight, and they will only get that from you – and that is what this article hopes to provide.
In a perfect world, these conversations will create a feedback loop that grows your following, thus accelerating the movement.
This article is under construction and will be updated and refined frequently
Note: With the primary goal of diminishing Trump’s support, this article focuses on Trump supporters within your followers’ circles. It can also apply to folks they know who are non-voters or those who have recently moved away from mainstream media or have otherwise checked out of politics since the Harris defeat.
This election was less about character and intelligence and more about the success of decades of increasingly advanced propaganda and disinformation, capped off by a highly sophisticated, well-funded, high-tech final assault on our minds in 2024. It didn’t help that the Democrats didn’t even bring a knife to a gunfight – they brought a bullseye. These conditions made it almost impossible to convince or even remind someone of the dangers of Trump – or overcome existing biases.
Trump and the oligarchs won. The Republicans will do little to check either. Conservative disinformation and foreign propaganda will surge while mainstream media will be further intimidated into whitewashing reality. The Democrats will remain feckless and powerless. It’s up to us lowly American citizens to save America – but we need help.
Reducing Trump’s support may be the only way to give Congress the courage to slow his assault on democracy. In other words, we can’t reclaim our democracy until everyday Americans start reclaiming their friends and family who were duped into voting for Trump. It’s simple math.
Fortunately, many already regret their choice, and others will soon follow as the consequences of a second Trump term set in. We must use this moment to guide them in replacing their misguided loyalties with a renewed commitment to collective well-being. It will be much easier to talk to Trump supporters when they can actually see, and in some cases, feel the pain he is causing.
Many Americans are understandably repulsed by the idea of talking to their Trump-supporting friends and family right now, but Democracy desperately needs these conversations. Regardless of being hard-core MAGA or simply uninformed, his voters (and non-voters) were in the dark and we, unfortunately, let them rot there – let’s not make that mistake again.
The Ask
Saving Democracy will be a grassroots effort and it’s imperative that you, as independent journalists, podcasters, bloggers, etc. get that point across to your followers. They’ll need to understand their role in decreasing the divide and amplifying the few remaining voices of truth and understanding. Legitimate media encouraging and driving kitchen table conversations is our last hope.
However, for reasons outside the scope of this article, your followers may easily mishandle these conversations, leading to frustration and counterproductive outcomes. It’s not enough to tell your followers to run off and have the chats – they will need your help.
With that in mind, the following loose collection of ideas is offered to help you encourage and guide your followers—perhaps even to develop a ‘toolkit’ or framework for them. The aim is for you to create a structured approach for your followers to help unwind the disinformation and propaganda that has taken hold of many of us. Neuroplasticity got us into this mess and it can get us out.
In the outline below, ‘you’, ‘your’, etc. are directed at your followers
Across America, our families and friendships have been intentionally torn apart by malicious forces. Armed with disinformation and propaganda, they fed us a steady stream of manufactured threats, leaving us dizzy with fear, hate, and anxiety—making it easy to pit us against each other and distract us from their true agenda.
We aren’t a divided nation, we’re a nation that was purposefully divided—and that’s a big difference, but that also makes it easier to fix. We need to push back against the forces that divided us and mend the fabric of society that they ripped apart. We do this by repairing the relationships, one by one, with our friends and family. It’s time to chat with them. How we have these chats matters greatly, but the general goals are:
- Reaffirm our relationships with our close Trump-supporting friends and family, making it easier for them to leave Trump. The sooner the better.
- Help them see and understand the damage that Trump and the oligarchs will be creating
- Help them see and move away from the lies and propaganda that led so many of us astray
- Help them see that we share the same enemies; billionaires, oversized corporations, oligarchs, and foreign influencers – and their propagandists.
As part of these conversations, we should encourage our Trump-supporting friends and family to:
- Follow new sources of information – independent journalists, podcasts, etc.
- See the Democrats as being more aligned with the working class than the billionaire class
- Contact their federal and state lawmakers to express their displeasure
- Start having these same discussions with other Trump supporters in their circles
The Basics
First, keep in mind that every relationship is different and there are varying levels of commitment to Trump, so these ideas should be selected, timed, and pursued in a way that makes for each situation. Take some time to think about who you’ll be talking with – develop strategies for each person.
You might be uncomfortable talking with your Trump-supporting friends and family. If this is the case then maybe you’ll be able to reach out only to check in on them in the hope that resonates at some point.
Warning folks upfront about the dangers of Trump was hard, but they’ll eventually experience the pain of his agenda. It will be much easier to talk to them when they can actually see, and in some cases, feel the pain he is causing.
There are fifty shades of MAGA so pick the low-hanging fruit first. Have these conversations with those you know well and have shared experiences and values. Choose those who you can talk with face-to-face or on the phone. This is not about engaging with strangers, especially online.
Don’t expect these to be one-time conversations. These things can take time depending on who you’re talking to. Take your time and learn. Trying to hasten this process will likely create desperation in you and cause you to “bully” your way through – that won’t end well.
These should be one-on-one conversations. A Trump supporter will be less likely to “let the team down” if in the presence of another Trump supporter. Likewise, ganging up on a Trump supporter will likely put them in a more defensive mood.
We need to reaffirm and strengthen our relationships with the Trump supporters in our lives now. Let them know they can “return home”. Don’t wait for their buyer’s remorse – get in front of it. This is very important – knowing upfront that they have someplace else to go will make it much easier to leave Trump and their information bubble.
The goal isn’t to win arguments but to foster trust and connection, emphasizing that our bonds are more enduring than the forces trying to divide us and that only friends and family truly care about them.
Many Trump supporters are victims of disinformation, shaped by years of manipulative media that gave many of them an identity, soothed their self-esteem, and sometimes created a sense of “family”. This doesn’t excuse their harmful beliefs, but it helps humanize those who hold them. We need to remember this while having these conversations. Empathy and patience will be our strongest tools.
After the pain or their doubt begins
Help them understand this isn’t totally their fault. Guide them to the realization that they were victims of long-running and highly advanced propaganda and disinformation. Make it clear that this doesn’t reflect poorly on them as individuals.
Help them understand the pain being inflicted upon us is not only unnecessary, but is intentional and it will take our money, divide us further, and destroy our democracy.
Suggest they re-evaluate their relationships with those who misled them (Trump, Fox News, Social Media, Joe Rogan and his ilk, co-workers, or Uncle Bob)
Gently shift focus to the bigger picture – highlight the long-term consequences of sticking to a misleading belief, but do so in a way that invites them to join you in the pursuit of a better future, rather than simply criticizing their choices.
Create a Space for Re-evaluation – Make it clear that it’s okay to change one’s mind and that doing so does not mean admitting a weakness or failure. Instead, frame it as a strength and a natural part of growing. Give them time.
Demonstrate that love and relationships are stronger than allegiance.
Other Conversation pointers
Don’t make these conversations all about politics. Be sure to sprinkle in past life experiences you’ve shared with them and your common values (our children’s future, national security, opportunities for growth, etc.)
Understand their concerns and validate their feelings to reduce defensiveness and open the door for more honesty. Be able to express their concerns back to them.
Avoid framing the conversation in a way that might feel like you’re asserting superiority or judgment.
Gentle fact-checking may be required at some point – know their “hot spots” and get your talking points in order. The typical gripes include
- The border
- The economy
- Trans issues
- Wokeness
- The Deep State
- Ukraine
- The Biden crime family
- Crime
Even if the above list were actual problems, all of them combined would not be as bad as any one of the following real dangers – help them see that.
- Billionaires and oligarchs are taking over
- It’s not Left vs. Right or black vs white – it’s rich vs. poor and it always was
- The loss of national security and intelligence
- Shifting global alliances and world peace
- The dangers of Putin influencing/controlling Trump and the GOP
- Degraded government agencies (health, justice, etc.)
- Climate change
- Reduced corporate regulation and oversight
Offer them alternative information sources from legitimate media.
You know your friends and family best – depending on your relationship and their commitment to Trump, a “lecturing” or “intervention” approach may be appropriate. The “what the hell were you thinking?” approach can work in some relationships. Tough love is still a thing.